Contractors / Plumbers Insurance Registry

SAWS does not endorse, recommend or guarantee the work of any private contractor or plumber. SAWS is not responsible for any damages caused by the registered contractors/plumbers or any payment arrangements between private parties.

In order for a contractor / plumber to be issued an approved Counter Permit from SAWS they must have their insurance policy registered with SAWS. To ensure your contractor / plumber is registered, please reference the list below. A contractor / plumber may register by filling out the registry application.

It is the contractor's / plumber's responsibility to keep their insurance policy information current with SAWS to ensure the policy meets the minimum insurance qualifications required by SAWS to protect the existing water, reuse, and / or wastewater infrastructure in the event damage is incurred while making new connections to the SAWS water, reuse, and/or wastewater utility infrastructure.

Contractors / plumbers are required to provide a 1-year warranty for their work following the installation and SAWS inspection and acceptance of the water, reuse, and/or wastewater utility infrastructure.

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Western Utilities and Plumbing
2770 S. Foster Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78220
Residential & Commercial
Gabriel Mendez
WPM Construction
8127 Indutrial Park Dr.
Grand Blue, MO 48439
Mike Koch
Wynn Civil Construction
PO BOX 362
Hutto, TX 78634
Eric Warnke