Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Chloride Source Identification and Reduction Work Plan

Solicitation No. Q-20-004-JP
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Awarded: 4/8/21
Due Date: 10:00 AM Tuesday, 11/10/20
Estimated Budget: $250,000.00

Awarded Firm: Plummer Associates, Inc.

The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is requesting statements of qualifications (SOQ) from firms to provide consulting services for the development of a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Chloride Source Identification and Reduction Work Plan (Project), implementation of the study requirements to determine influent sources, recommending Best Management Practices (BMPs) or treatment options to provide a reduction of TDS in Wastewater Recycling Centers (WRC) effluent, and performing a cost benefit analysis with recommendations.

Pre-Submittal Meeting

2:00 PM, Wednesday Oct. 21, 2020 Mtg # 146 184 0239 Mtg Password: 7srKeFWNK25

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Full RFQ Proposal
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Non-Mandatory Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation
Oct. 21, 2020
Oct. 27, 2020
Addendum 2
Nov. 4, 2020
Pre-Submittal Sign-In Sheet
Oct. 21, 2020
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