Solicitation No. PS-00089-RL
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Awarded: 6/9/20
Due Date: 2:00 PM Friday, 1/17/20

Awarded Firm: ARCADIS U.S., Inc.
Freese and Nichols, Inc.

The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is pursuing request for qualifications (RFQ) for professional engineering services for the 2020 Primary Pump Station Improvements Project. Statements of qualifications (SOQ) from interested firms (Respondents) are being accepted in connection with these projects, which will require the scope of services to be performed by a qualified professional engineering firms. The selected professional engineering firms (Consultants) will provide engineering services entailing planning, engineering evaluations, studies, reports, preliminary engineering, design, bid, construction services, inspection, start-up and commissioning, and overall project management for the construction of the pump station upgrades. Two of the pump stations needing upgrades include the Randolph Pump Station and the Marbach Pump Station. The Randolph Pump Station’s physical address is 212 S. Weidner Road, San Antonio TX, 78239 and the Marbach Pump Station’s physical address is 7614 Marbach Road, San Antonio, TX, 78227.

The anticipated services will include civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, project management, investigation, topographic survey services, subsurface utility engineering, design, construction management, project coordination, preliminary engineering, final design, and other services (e.g., geology, environmental, archaeology, etc.) as necessary for this project.

SAWS anticipates awarding a contract to more than one Consultant as a result of this RFQ.

Pre-Submittal Meeting

9:00 AM, Tuesday Dec. 17, 2019
San Antonio Water System Customer Service Building, 2800 U.S. Hwy 281 N, San Antonio, Texas 78212; Conference Room CR-C145

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Interested Firm List

Firms who have obtained the RFQ proposal.


Full RFQ Proposal
Note: You will be prompted to login to access the full proposal document.
PS-00089 Attachment II
Dec. 5, 2019
PS-00089 Attachment III
Dec. 5, 2019
PS-00089 Attachment V
Dec. 5, 2019
PS-00089 Pre-Submittal Conference Sign In Sheet
Dec. 17, 2019
PS-00089 PowerPoint Presentation_2020 Primary Pump Station Improvements
Dec. 17, 2019
PS-00089 Addendum 1
Jan. 2, 2020
PS-00089 Attachment IV
Dec. 5, 2019