Backflow Compliance Improvements

Solicitation No. F-23-001-LE
Status: Closed
Due Date: 10:00 AM Thursday, 4/27/23

The purpose of this Request for Interest (RFI) is to solicit interest by qualified firms for the possible solutions and alternatives for handling backflow inspection reports and compliance activities, for the development of a future Request For Proposal (RFP) that will provide all the information necessary for bidders to submit a response that is fair to the bidders and brings value to and SAWS.

SAWS desires to explore options to improve the management of Backflow assemblies Test and Maintenance (T&M) Reports and/or Customer Service Inspectors (CSI) Certificates and move to an online system to collect the data electronically. Our goal is to reduce the amount of paperwork and man-hours for SAWS staff to administer the program.

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Full RFI Proposal
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Addendum 1
Apr. 14, 2023