Best Value Bid for Biennial Contract Wastewater Flow Monitoring Services

Bid No. 12-1269
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Due Date: 3:00 PM Thursday, 8/16/12

The San Antonio Water System is seeking Best Value Bids for Wastewater Flow Meters to include the installation of twenty (20) wastewater flow meters for use within the existing wastewater collection and conveyance system to determine existing flow conditions, to investigate Inflow and Infiltration (I&I), to calibrate the hydraulic model, and to be used as a warning tool for sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) on the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zones. Vendor will be responsible for providing, installing, monitoring, maintaining, relocating, and removing of flow meters at the completion of the project. The Resource Protection and Compliance Department (RP&C) has determined that there are several areas on the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone that would benefit from flow meter installations. This includes areas that have known sensitive geologic features that include caves, sinkholes, and mapped faults. By installing flow monitors the possibility of SSOs occurring should be minimized. Additionally, this would benefit SAWS Wastewater Master Planning Department with additional data in calibrating their hydraulic model.

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