Annual Contract for the Removal of Feral Hogs from Various SAWS Facilities

Bid No. 19-17028
Job No.
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Due Date: 3:00 PM Tuesday, 1/7/20
The San Antonio Water System is soliciting bids for the live removal of feral hogs from various SAWS facilities and managed properties. SAWS is experiencing feral hog problems on many of its properties, the purpose of this solicitation is to develop and implement a System wide feral hog control and abatement program. The primary goal of the program is to establish an overall approach to achieve significant reduction or elimination of damage to property and of potential employee safety concerns within System’s properties as a result of feral hog activity. The trapping program under this award will be for trapping and removal from SAWS property.

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Bid Opening Results
Feb. 21, 2020
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Feb. 21, 2020