Annual Contract for Real Time Remote Collection System Overflow Monitoring Devices and Repair Components

Bid No. 11-1084
Job No.
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Due Date: 3:00 PM Wednesday, 11/30/11

The San Antonio Water System is soliciting bids to purchase self-contained wireless sanitary sewer level monitoring systems capable of producing immediate alarms for both surcharge conditions to prevent sanitary sewer overflows and collection system intrusions. These self-contained devices shall withstand corrosion normally associated with sanitary sewer conditions and may be deployed in various sanitary sewer appurtenances including but not limited to manholes and lift stations. The device will be capable of storing historical data trending of wastewater flow levels. Additionally, the device will be capable of two-way communication via satellite and web based technology that allows for the user to change alarm set points, monitor the power source, and view a graphical display of current and historical flow level trends.

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Bid Opening Results
Sep. 7, 2012