Request for Proposal for Emergency/Mass Notification System

Bid No. 17-17009
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Due Date: 3:00 PM Tuesday, 5/9/17
The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is seeking to acquire a turnkey automated outbound emergency/mass notification contact solution that will be utilized by multiple departments to contact internal and/or external customers in order to relay necessary information and/or to assist in the completion of routine business processes. The solution must fully integrate with CIS, HR, mapping and all other existing infrastructure systems and be able to make and accept API commands, in order to identify and extract customer data, based on selected campaign parameters, in order to develop and execute a contact campaign using automated outbound calling, SMS and email messaging. For outage campaigns, the solution must take coordinate information from an ESRI map layer where the end-user identifies a specific area and outage characteristics and then uses that coordinate information to extract customer information, display the outage information to customers using our mapping system and execute contact campaigns based on the outage characteristics. Furthermore, the solution must include dynamic expansion capabilities to conduct large scale campaigns where large quantities of customers must be contacted in a short period of time.

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Addendum No. 1
Apr. 18, 2017