SCADA Programming and PLC Replacement

Solicitation No. CS-00005-JP
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Awarded: 12/5/23
Due Date: 10:00 AM Monday, 8/28/23

Awarded Firm: Control Panels USA, Inc.
Prime Controls L.P.
Signature Automation, LLC
JEGO Systems

The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is pursuing Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from Process Control Systems Integrator (PCSI) and ASP (Application Services Provider) firms to provide all work necessary to select, furnish, configure, customize, debug, install, connect, calibrate, program and place into operation control hardware. SAWS seek to establish a master list of qualified and experienced PCSI/ ASP service firms from which future PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers), and control software and hardware work may be assigned. Selected Respondent(s) placed on the master list will be eligible to perform work on a Work Order (WO) basis.

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Addendum 1
Aug. 18, 2023