One Time Purchase of Automated Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Analyzer

Bid No. 19-19112A
Job No.
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Due Date: 3:00 PM Monday, 9/30/19
The San Antonio Water System is soliciting bids to purchase an Automated Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Analyzer for the analysis of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) used for municipal and industrial wastewaters. This system must provide unattended analysis of BOD and CBOD with automated seed addition, inhibitor addition, sample dilution, sample mixing, capping and de-capping. The system must also provide automated pH and adjustment of samples. The system must contain Windows 10 based software and must meet the performance specifications as outlined in this bid document.

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Addendum 1
Sep. 17, 2019
Addendum 2
Sep. 23, 2019
Bid Opening Results
Oct. 31, 2019
Bid Tab
Dec. 17, 2019