Wellness Platform

Solicitation No. R-21-013-SM
Status: All Bids Rejected
Due Date: 2:00 PM Monday, 12/13/21

 Request for Proposals

We are seeking a wellness platform as a web-based tool and mobile application that can host a variety of programs used to evaluate, engage, inform, motivate, and incentivize employees to participate in our wellness programs. An effective wellness platform will feature a flexible design that allows us to configure to meet the needs of our organization, population, wellness, and benefits strategy.

The San Antonio Water System has a fully developed and successful Wellness Program. A Wellness Platform will assist in managing current programs and developing new strategies to promote health, prevent disease, increase engagement, boost productivity, and ultimately control healthcare costs.

Data security is a high priority and this platform must protect personal health information provided by employees, and must comply with all state and federal privacy laws.

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Addendum 1
Dec. 3, 2021