Strategic Energy Management and Operator Training/Programming

Solicitation No. Q-21-003-SM
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Awarded: 10/12/21
Due Date: 2:00 PM Tuesday, 4/27/21

Awarded Firm: Cascade Energy, Inc.

Strategic Energy Management and Operator Training/Programming

Solicitation No.: Q-21-003-SM


The San Antonio Water System (“SAWS”) is pursuing a request for qualifications (“RFQ”) seeking the services of a qualified consulting firm (“Respondent”) to help SAWS strategically reduce energy consumption within water and wastewater operations. In 2020, SAWS developed an Energy Management Plan with a goal of reducing baseline energy consumption intensity (energy required per output) by a minimum of 10% over 5 years. Rather than focusing on capital projects, the consultant shall focus on behavioral/operational (low-cost/no-cost) opportunities and ensure operation of the water and wastewater infrastructure is occurring in the most energy efficient way possible. Ultimately, this consultant will be responsible for helping SAWS work towards its energy goals identified in the Energy Management Plan. 

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Addendum 1
Apr. 20, 2021