2020 Wastewater Treatment Facilities Engineering Work Order Contract

Solicitation No. PS-00087-JP
Status: Selection Approved and Awarded
Awarded: 3/6/20
Due Date: 2:00 PM Tuesday, 12/17/19
Estimated Budget: $800,000.00

Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.

The San Antonio Water System, (SAWS or Water System), is pursuing a request for qualifications (RFQ) for professional engineering services for the 2020 Wastewater Treatment Facilities Engineering Work Order Contract.  Statements of qualifications (SOQs) from interested firms (Respondents) are being accepted in connection with this Work Order Contract, which will require the scope of services to be performed by the selected qualified professional engineering firm (Consultant). 


The intent of this Work Order Contract is for the design of small projects, often urgent, that tend to last a relatively short period of time whereas the scope of work can be successfully completed within the time limit of the Work Order Contract (typically 2 years).  The selected professional engineering firm will provide engineering services entailing planning, engineering evaluations, studies, reports, preliminary engineering, design, bid, construction, inspection, start-up/commissioning, and overall project management services for projects in SAWS water recycling centers, recycle water system, lift stations and other facilities as necessary.

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Full RFQ Proposal
Note: You will be prompted to login to access the full proposal document.
Attachment I I
Nov. 15, 2019
Addendum 1
Dec. 6, 2019